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吉康科技邀請您參加由以色列資安設備公司Embedded Solution所舉辦的線上資安研討會系列二。

> 研討會時間:台灣時間 2021/04/21 20:00
> 議程:

1. Europe's industrial sector were recent victims of attacks using Cring ransomware that took advantage of vulnerabilities in Fortinet VPNs. 
2. A ransomware attack against conditioned warehousing and transportation provider Bakker Logistiek has caused a cheese shortage in Dutch supermarkets.
We will also follow-up on the $50 million, Acer ransomware attack we discussed during the previous webinar.
  The coverage will include the attack’s description, damage, structure, and potential remedy.

Embedded Solution來自資安強國以色列,其產品BitNetSentry (簡稱BNS) 是一款針對時間關鍵(time-crtitcal)及任務關鍵(mission-critical)網路的資安閘道器(Gateway),其奈秒級的延遲不會影響網路性能,且因具有No IP、No MAC Address的特性,駭客在網路上完全看不到BNS的存在,故能達到最佳的資安防護。

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