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PCTEL SeeWave 訊號干擾源查測系統

無線通訊越發達相對的各種干擾源也日趨嚴重,而且也將影響傳輸的品質,因此清頻及干擾源查測也必是行動營運商基本課題,SeeWave是一套手持式設備,搭配PCTEL SeeGull系列掃頻儀及支援寬頻帶的指向性天線,讓查測人員輕鬆用於戶外及室內的干擾源查測使用。

- RF干擾查測
Set up multiple spectrum scans to identify interference more quickly
Identify broadband and narrowband interference
Carry out DL (downlink) and UL (uplink) spectrum scans simultaneously
Scan beyond 3GPP defined spectrum bands
Ergonomic and lightweight design for one hand operation
Includes digital compass and pre-amplifier for accurate direction finding
Ability to mount different antenna types to evaluate cellular bandsworldwide
Rich charting options to quickly identify interfering sources
Record and playback data for effective and detailed analysis
Interference locating function adds to scanners' testing
Locate the exact position of interference through triangulation algorithms
Identify problems efficiently and quickly by collecting and analyzing results in a variety of playback options