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QualityLogic DataProbe T.30及T.38協定分析儀

QualityLogic的DataProbe T30-T38分析儀是一個在進行傳真時, 將T.30訊息和T.38封包內容記錄起來, 並進行分析比較的測試工具。因此, 你能夠同時在類比訊號及IP層去監測傳真, 並在語音閘道器(VoIP GW)兩端進行T.30到T.38及T.38到T.30之間的比較, 並藉由所出現的錯誤偵查及追蹤得到專業的分析結果報告。 

- VoIP GW研發測試
- VoIP網路品質分析
- Support for 2003 ITU-T T.30 Recommendation, including passwords, sub-addressing and use of V.34 modulation
- Post-call analysis of T.4, T.6, T.30, T.81 and T.85 conformance
- T.4, T.6, T.81 and T.85 (MH, MR, MMR, JBIG, JPEG) data decoding and data display at all T.30 supported resolutions
- Recording T.38 packets (V0 – V2) as they arrive at or are generated by the same gateway during its handling of a fax call (T.38, UDP, RTP, UDPTL – packet redundancy)
- Correlating, analyzing and reporting the content and structure of both T.30 messages and T.38 packets
- Monitor/capture facsimile calls (DataTrap only)
- Browse for DataTraps/ChannelTraps over IP network